Improve Country


Our Improving Country program focuses on establishing native plant gardens for use by youth, educators and community members.

Our educators create first-hand experiences in the skills of gardening, understanding the Aboriginal cultural uses of native plants and the importance of improving landscapes back to their native ecosystems. 

This curriculum-linked program enables lifelong learning about native plants and their health benefits, whilst getting participants outdoors and establishing a necessary learning resource of a native plant garden.


  • Creates opportunities for young people & adults to connect with and learn about country

  • Increases youth ownership & empowerment of their native green spaces

  • Educates young people & educators about healthy lifestyle choices that native plants brings

  • Provides and develops gardening skills and enhances potential employment opportunities in youth

  • Promotes sustainability through garden programs in educational institutions

  • Connects youth and educators with our experienced Aboriginal educators

Why donate to this program?

Native plants and establishing gardens in a learning experience comes at a significant cost that isn't included in educational institutions budgetary spend. 

From plants, to garden supplies, tools and labour, we have found that in our areas of impact, those working with youth are unable to create a suitable native garden due to the associated costs and/or do not have their own in-house gardening expert to help get them started.

By donating to this program, you'll help fund a new native plant garden, complete with plant signage and some basic gardening tools to ensure our next generation can continue improving country into the future

How your donation helps

  • A donation of $50 enables a native plant to be planted into a school/community garden.

  • A donation of $500 enables the replanting of an established small raised garden bed in a school/community garden.

  • A donation of $5000 enables a new native garden to be planted, equipped with plant signage and gardening tools to ensure long-term learning and planting.